If you’re planning a catholic wedding ceremony in Ireland the most important thing to do is start early. There is a quite a bit of paperwork to arrange for a catholic marriage ceremony (we have a post on making it legal here), and each bishop, priest and parish has their own policies on marriage ceremonies (e.g. some only allow ‘local’ weddings) so it’s essential to meet with the priest of the parish as soon as possible after getting engaged to start discussions and get your plans sorted out.
Here we give you a general overview of the key points you should be aware of when planning a catholic church wedding in Ireland, this information is a starting point – you can find out more at accord.ie or ask your local priest for full information.
Getting Married Locally
If you are a member of a parish and wish to be married in that church, then arrange a meeting with your local priest as soon as possible to confirm your desired wedding date and discuss further steps.
Booking a Church (for a non-local wedding)
- Policies on conducting marriage ceremonies for non-locals vary from church to church so it is essential to meet and discuss your request with the priest of the parish to ascertain whether your request can be granted.
- The full list of Catholic churches in Ireland by county and diocese can be found here: www.catholicireland.net
- It is advisable to create a shortlist of two to three churches near your proposed venue in case your preferred church is booked or does not cater for non-local weddings.
- Catholic wedding ceremonies in Ireland will not be performed outside of a church.
Finding a Priest
- Priests are free to form their own policies on conducting marriage ceremonies, and many do not perform ceremonies for couples they do not know, so again, approach the priest as soon as possible to discuss your request.
- If you wish a priest whom you know to perform your ceremony, this will also need to be discussed by the priest of the parish to grant permission for use of the church.
Picking a Date
- Most days of the week are permissable for marriage ceremonies, though some dioceses will require special dispensation for Sunday weddings.
- Marriage ceremonies will not be performed on religious holidays such as Good Friday, St. Patrick’s Day etc.
- It’s imperative to confirm the details – church, date, priest a minimum of three months in advance (though as early as possible is recommended),
- Though a religious ceremony, your marriage must be registered with the state. You must meet with a Civil Registrar of Marriage a minimum of three months in advance, and fulfill the state requirements in order to obtain a Marriage Registration Form (MRF).
Essential documentation for a Catholic Wedding Ceremony
- Marriage Registration Form (MRF) – issued by the Civil Registrar of Marriage confirming you are both legally free to marry
- Prenuptial Enquiry Form
- Baptismal certificate
- Confirmation certificate
- A letter of freedom from each parish you have lived in since 18
Pre-Marital Course
You must complete a Marriage Preparation Course and provide a certificate to the priest in advance of the wedding. See accord.ie for more information.
Financial Contribution, Gift or Fee
While there is no stipulation or policy about giving a fee for performing a marriage or arranging paperwork for a couple, the customs of making a financial gift to the church varies from parish to parish, it’s best to discuss with the sacristan or member of the local community to avoid any confusion.
Inter-Faith Marriages
- Roman Catholics wishing to marry Christians of other denominations must approach their priest for a dispensation, usually the priest will grant this.
- If one or other of the partners are not baptised, belong to a non-Christian religion or are atheist, a dispensation of (disparity of cult) is needed. You must apply to the bishop of the diocese to grant this.
We hope this helps you understand some of the basics about planning a catholic wedding ceremony in Ireland. Above all, meet with your priest to discuss the process as soon as possible and for further information we recommend the following websites:
Read our post on How to Get Married in Ireland: An Easy Guide to Making it Legal!